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Here's the list of products provided by us. To get more information about these products, please click on the image or the name of the product.
1 . Aluminium Handle with Rubber Grip / Aluminium Handle with Hook
  Strong tubular coral coated aluminium handle has ergonomic design for operator's comfort. It is made from durable rust proof material and can be used for all types of the mop refills. The handle is available in 3 sizes and handle grip comes in selection of various colours available upon request.
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2 . Aluminium Handle Exchangeable Screw Head
  The screw head of the aluminium handle is exchangeable to tackle different jobs. Conveniently exchange and inset them into the aluminium handle.
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3 . Telescopic Aluminium Handles
  Strong tubular coral coated telescopic aluminium handle is extendible and is designed for the toughest housekeeping demands. A time saving device that takes hard work out when it comes to cleaning those inaccessible areas in your stairwell, high ceilings or walls. It is adjustable for any height and it comes in various lengths that provide versatility and flexibility to operators in tackling tasks.
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4 . Heavy Duty Metal Handles
  This series of metal handle is designed for heavy duty use in industrial areas. It is practical and economical, equipped with a hook and comes in various colors.
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